Listed below are links to other teaching sites, including some that emphasize the rightly divided word of truth. I may not agree with every opinion expressed on these sites, but I think dialogue on various Biblical truths can lead us collectively into a wiser perception of the truth. Although the church today is built upon “the foundation of the apostles and the prophets” (Eph.2:20), we no longer have such people among us today to guide us. Therefore, each one of us has to plot his own course as he sifts through the teaching of others.

  • Open Bible Trust – writings of Mike & Sylvia Penny, and many others – and the Search magazine
  • Berean Publishing Trust – principally the writings of Charles Welch and Stuart Allen – also the Berean Expositor magazine. I seemed to find even more Berean Expositor issues available at Levend Water.
  • Truth for Today – principally the writings of Oscar Baker – this is the original trademarked ministry started by Oscar in1948, not the copycats you may find on the internet
  • The Arthur Custance Centre – principally the namesake’s works
  • The Word of Truth Ministry – principally the writings of Otis Sellers – also the Seed & Bread magazine
  • Bullinger’s Works
  • Companion BibleKJV with extensive notes and appendices, principally by Bullinger, a work finished by Charles Welch
  • Center for Scientific Creation, featuring some on-line excerpts from Walt Brown’s book “In the Beginning” – containing the most scientific arguments for creationism that have ever been put forward (my opinion). Brown documents his case with a plethora of citations from scientific journals that themselves call into question the basis for uniformitarianism and evolutionary theories from the macro-level of the universe down to the micro-level of biology and genetics. It is also loaded with the mathematical bases for his positions – for you math lovers.

These additional sites contain Bible references which emphasize original language texts.